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Jaime Nolan




TRICKSTER OF GOOD 💫✨⚡️ Cofounder of Las Comadres. Life Coach. Speaker Who I help: 👩🏻‍💻Women Entrepreneurs 💫Big Thinkers ✨Dreamers 🧖🏽‍♀️Magical people What I Believe: ❤️You only have one life you might as well live it 🔥Discipline + Surrender = Flow 🌓Fail fast and Fail Forward 🌟Celebrate everything What I do: 🧡COO of Las Comadres Club 💗Life & Business Coach ❤️Wife & Mom to 3 Teenage Girls Why I’m on Clubhouse: 👂🏼To listen to conversations that matter 📝To learn from experts 🤝To be in community with women business owners 👀To see what everyone is talking about My hopes for 2021 🔁The lessons from 2020 were learned and that action is taken so we never have to do this again 💡Big ideas come together with purpose 🤔We stay in constant evaluation of ourselves 😌That this is an easy year CONNECT: 🕸Web- 📧Email- [email protected]