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Yasuko Takeda




IYASHI (癒し) - ”Healing“ in Japanese from Perth 🇦🇺 パース在住24年♪ 💎 Iyashi of Subconsciousness to help you live with ease 💎 Do you want to know how to delete your negative emotions in few seconds....? Do you want to know why you are in pain....? ネガティブOK🙆‍♀️ ポジティブOK🙆‍♂️ そんな生き方ができれば、 勝手に自分や宇宙全体を愛おしく思えてしまうんです✨それがたった1日で学べるならどう思われますか? .....それはわからないけど、ネガ感情やトラウマを数秒で消せる方法を知りたいですか? それも学べちゃいます✨ 身体も実は同じメカニズムで痛みを起こしている場合もあります♪ こころ・からだ・たましいの角度から、ととのえ、癒すクライアントさんのベストパートナーとなることを日々目指しています♪ オーストラリアパースからZoomによる講座、体の使い方改善、楽ちんな癒し、遠隔ヒーリングを提供させていただいています♪ 心から幸せを感じることは、実はとってもシンプルで軽やかにできるんです。 このメッセージたちが、必要な方に伝わりますように! Yasuko Nelthorpe @ Perth, Australia 🇦🇺 ✨Mindbody Therapist / Lecturer ✨ 💍 ZeroReset /SelfKnowing Method Erase negative emotions in few seconds! 💍 ALA Lymphoedema practitioner 💍 Musculoskeletal therapist 💍 Neurological condition 💍 Bowen Therapist 💍 Iyashi Healing 💍 Access Bars® I use Test-Treat-Confirm throughout the treatment to find hidden issues. My passion is to discover how the consciousness and subconsciousness work in the fascinating complexity of human beings (as well as animals🐕). I would like to help anyone who connects with me. I see myself as a facilitator for clients to discover their TRUE-SELF (so simple but very hard to do 😅). This will lead to unblocking layers of true reasons that create their pain and hardship in their lives. There should be absolutely no judge to the negativity or positivity in you, which is the basic trap that a lot of people are in. I heal, teach and guide you how to do it in the most comfortable and easiest way - uniting your Body, Mind and Spirit. It doesn’t matter what method you use or how you do it, whatever works! But if you don’t know what to do, just reach me. Soooooo looking forward to connect people who see the same way. Beautiful and lighter world will be in front of us if we all learn to do this way! Arigato (Thank you in Japanese) so much for reading this rather long bio! You can also reach me by [email protected] Facebook @ToToNoeClinic Ken Honda Online Salon Support Member 本田健オンラインサロン運営サポーター Love Taiko 🥁 太鼓大好き