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Ivonne Cameron




✝️ Intercessor Entrepreneur 🙏🏽 Kingdom First - Believer 🌏 Strategy & Global Solutions 💰Serial Entrepreneur 🌟CEO @ISE International Group 🧬Healthcare. 🛫Women & Drones ♟️Contracts/Grants/Bids/Proposals 🔑 Philanthropy 🌿 Kingdom Builder 🌠 Author 🏢 16 StartUps and counting across industries from space/energy, consumer, sporting brands, fashion, health, insurance, community development, real estate… 🙏🏽 ❤️ Prayer & Intercession, Prophecy, Family and Community, @Ivonnecameo FB - @ISEIntlGrp CashApp: $Ivonnefc Zelle- 301-793-4837 PayPal: @Ifcameron “I’m finding my fit.” Those that can work together in unity toward a common goal for the greater good - building the Kingdom.”