Ivana Poku
Putting a definite end to postnatal depression and suffering in silence in new mums! ❤️ Author for Motherhood - The Unspoken; founder of @Mumsjourney, award-winning coach; motivational speaker, mum of twins+1. After giving birth to my twin boys in 2016, I suffered from severe postnatal depression which was the scariest experience of my life. However, my story isn’t unique. There are thousands of mums (and dads) out there who struggle in silence. Statistics say that 1 in 7 women suffer from postnatal depression and that 58% of new mums who feel depressed do not seek help - which means that PND affects way more women than indicated by official data. I am convinced that one of the leading causes of PND is unrealistic expectations about motherhood. A new mum is somewhat automatically expected to be happy. But this is often not the case so if the feeling of happiness does not arrive right away, a mum feels like a failure and often falls into depression. Understanding this motivated me to write the book Motherhood - The Unspoken, set up the @Mumsjourney movement, and run workshops for new parents, some of them in cooperation with NHS midwives - including award-winning midwife Marley Hall with whom I also created an online course for new parents. You could see my work featured in several media outlets, including Forbes, BBC, The Guardian, Independent, Telegraph, Today, and others. My ultimate goal is to make it general knowledge in the world that being all happy and in love is NOT a common feeling of a new mum. I believe that once people understand this, just as they understand that childbirth is painful (in most cases anyway), it can put a definite end to suffering in silence in new mums and dramatically reduce the risks of PND. Website: https://mumsjourney.com/ Let’s connect on Instagram! ⤵️