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Citizen of 🌎🇪🇺 Intercultural relationships consultant, therapist and coach 🇬🇧 🇷🇺 🇧🇬 Designing conscious relationships Психотерапевт и консультант по межкультурным отношениям и миграции. Специализация в дизайне осознанных отношений. 🌱Born and studied in St. Petersburg, Russia. Culturally Jewish. 🌱Spent most of my childhood on the Black Sea coast in Bulgaria. That’s also where my children were born. 🌱Living my third life in English in London. 📗Studied linguistics, cultures and migration. 📙 Trained and qualified as a coach and psychotherapist (The Tavistock Centre, London) 🔖 Registered Member of the British Association for Counseling and Psychotherapy/Coaching Division Live-in-Counsellor at the Kusnacht Practice, Switzerland - global leader in the treatment of mental health disorders🇨🇭 🎓 I hold a PhD in linguistics and I am an Associate Professor in Intercultural Communication teaching university courses on intercultural matters internationally. Interested in experiential learning, therapeutic communication, language, cultural relativism, cultural capital, emotional intelligence and emotional resilience, ethical non-monogamy, sensuality, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, Kabbalah, music. Moderator of 🪟ROOM WITH A VIEW at the Relationship Design Club. We host conversations about bringing consciousness into our relationships. Press 🔔 to be notified :) Manifestor (Human Design) 📌Founder of Irina Aron Consulting working with internationally mobile people and individuals in intercultural relationships. 📌Co-founder of the Relationships Design Club with Julia Abolina. You can get in touch with me via email: [email protected] or message me on Instagram.👇🏻