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Irina Vlada




📍Miami, FL + Russian Roots 🦋 Certified Awareness Coach 🌟 Self Mastery Journey Program Facilitator 🙏 Meditation & Breathwork Guide 🕉 Himalayan Kriya Yoga Master Teacher 🌎 Co-Founder of 8evolve, wellness app for personal transformation ✨YOUR LIFE IS DESIGNED TO WORKOUT ✨THERE IS NO “BETTER” LIFE OUT THERE ✨YOU ARE THE LIFE __________________________ About Irina Being an Awareness Coach, Irina’s path is deeply rooted in the discovery and exploration of the authentic self. In the last few years Irina traveled to The Himalayas, India, to study with living Masters and embody the ancient knowledge of yoga and meditation. Her coaching style expanded into the mindful practices, inviting clients to combine the tools of Western psychology and Eastern philosophy. This path has led her to co-create 8evolve, the app connecting mindful leaders and clients from all over the world, uniting them to build a worldly conscious community.  💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫   “Irina has guided me through the past two years of my life. Everything changed when we met. Before we connected, I faced cyclical patterns of unconscious habits, thoughts and actions that hindered my personal and professional growth. This came along with constant anxiety.   Irina gently met me where I was, and helped me gain awareness. We started with clarifying my personal values, and those have been my North Star. From there, I gained trust and peace in my life.  Trusting the process of life.   We further evolved together in spiritual practices including breathwork and Kriya yoga. I am now able to set focused intentions for myself and practice self-love. Today, marvelous things have been authentically and quickly manifesting for me.  I truly believe it is through the awareness and clear path Irina has uncovered within me".