Internet Amy
🔮Ask Internet Amy What do you want? Do you have what you want? Do you even know what you really want? ⚡️Clarity to Conversions is my game! 🔥Las Vegas is my home of 24 years! How can I serve you? 💕 🌟Las Vegas Showgirl to 👠Shoe Shine Girl to... 🌎 Million Dollar Mindset and Business Strategist Warrior Mom to 2 kids... 🎗12 year old James...a grade 4 glioblastoma brain cancer survivor. 👧 10 year old Juju...child Entrepreneur extraordinaire! 👧 🧼 🧼 ❤️ “Every soap handmade with Love” ❤️ 🚴 *Peloton Junkie*🚴 PowerZone Pack anyone? #InternetAmy Follow @KidsIH on IG