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Katie Clark




📣Church communications, nonprofit and corporate marketing, social media strategy, PR, podcasting, market research, public speaking. Just a few things I do! Based in Maine and across the interwebs as @InsightsGal. ✝️ I’m the Director of Communications for the Episcopal Diocese of Maine, managing marketing, PR, social media and more, reaching more than 11,000 people in Maine and across the country! Listen to our #FaithInMaine podcast and find us at @episcopalmaine 💻I’m an intensely curious early adopter, fascinated with how people (and brands) connect and interact digitally. 🎤Seasoned public speaker and happy to help you moderate a room! Former small biz COO, I love talking business organization and strategy. Domestic infant adoptee and transracial adoptive mom. Topics I love to chat about: #️⃣Social media strategy, tactics and onboarding #️⃣PR #️⃣Church marketing #️⃣Nonprofit and corporate communications #️⃣Market research #️⃣Productivity hacks and more!