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Sudeshna Sahoo




🎓Physics_grad from Ravenshaw University,The Red Empire of Odisha 🎓Mastering in Physics from IIT Guwahati 📸📸Photographer by passion📸📸 ✒️✒️Quotes & Poems Writer by hobby✒️✒️ Check out my work on Instagram & Twitter💓 👣Odisha, India🏡 💓music is my soulmate🎶 🍜Deliciously_Foodie😋 🧠Strong & Sensitive ✨ 💆Self-love is what keeps me going 🌞🤗 💁No phobias,only philias♥️ Here for self-improvement, learning & exploring. Motto of mine-"Live,Love,Learn." "Life is too short for hatred or jealousy.So spread love, spread smile."