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IT Eng . Msc MBA . ppl✈. Phd student of international relations .*Single . مهندسIT . ارشدMBA . خلبانیPPL✈ .* مجرد Hope = Omid = امید عشق جادوی زندگیست Teh📍 تسخیر کردن قلب یک زن به مراتب سخت تر از کشور گشائی است ( Conquering a woman's heart is much more difficult than conquering a country ) یک وقتهایی از در دروازه رد نمیشم ولی یک وقتهایی از سوراخ سوزن هم رد میشم ( Sometimes I do not go through the gate, but sometimes I go through the needle hole ) A cool person....... Ahead of time. High attitude and high judgment . Love is the magic of life. I am an unknown man. That must be known. Love is the wine of life to be immortal. Love to read books. The man of life and the support of women. Former aviator.(Private pilot✈ course saw) Inherently manager. Inherently a researcher. Love the trip. Family lover. Friendly friends. animal lover. Love the color blue and green. Take a risk. Aikido Martial Arts. A good friend is a great advisor. With self-confidence, attitude and judgment. Loves the knowledge of international relations and strategic sciences. Looking for a female friend to practice learning English. A good woman is the queen of the life of the man with whom you want to build an empire. Look for a beautiful lady with dignity, personality, unique, charismatic, clean, smart, friendly and with me. For friendship or marriage please put your mobile number and send a message to my back channel. Thank you. email. [email protected] Telegram. @Infomha20