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Shana Ferrigan




Renaissant pioneer passion heart 🤍🔥🕊 ✨ imaginal, transfigurational, life-giving home-maker dreamer, heart's delight dwelling host/revelator & life spark catalyst IWE - Infinite Worth Enterprises @infiniteworth NE/W & Glorious Day / Shop Glorious Day "Imagine with me... A world where love prevails and dreams come true Let’s close our eyes for a moment And envision a place of beauty and harmony blue skies and twinkling eyes Where everyone has an opportunity to thrive and prosper And all of our magnificent gifts and talents are valued and flourish Where the underdog triumphs And the desperate are delivered Where we exalt the values that transcend time and culture Where the dignity of life And the diversity of creation are embraced and celebrated and truth, freedom, joy & justice reign Where generous and pure hearts are rewarded And our collective conscience is fine-tuned to the sensitivity of the Divine. We can make that dream a reality And we intend to...” 💫🕊✨ Pioneer Valley NE/W - a 21st century renaissance Readying to seed, host, instantiate an inspirational, bioregionally regenerational beta NEW city incubational home to explore, discover & establish the shift into the NE/W: Now Everyone Wins Now Everything Works Now Ever Wonderful Imminent embodied realization of Infinite Worth ... ✨ [email protected] “We do not want merely to see beauty, though, God knows, even that is bounty enough. We want something else which can hardly be put into words — to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it.” CS Lewis Founder/Visioneer/Host at Glorious Day, Shop Glorious Day & Glorious Day TV “Glorious Day is a long-held dream coming to life It’s an emerging expression of a collective heartbeat... And where I can't help but find myself, in the midst of all of the beauty, energy and possibility" ✨ Join me amidst the endless seeds & fields of green... life in the ever-present daydream ✨💫✨ [email protected] Journeying the lightening path & quest, Mt Holyoke '89 (French Studies), mom to 4 sons & 2 daughters: Evan, Ryan, Tate, Max, Charlotte & Rachel - heart, mind & spirit awakening, paradigm dismantling, life's treasure enlivening, breaking-forth bright sweet starshine, heaven-sent wonders