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KāLeKa Carlín Alfiya




Hola! Hello! Halo! I AM ✨💖✨ a Spiritual wave & particle experiencing itself as ✨AstraNova KāLeKa CarLyN Alfiya Carly Grace✨ and you can call me AstraNova for short. My mission and purpose in life is to share the intentional space for the Divine to shine through from me to you. I don’t resonate or use pronouns. I am a fluid AstroQueer 🏳️‍🌈 Non-binary Divine Goddess here to share Boundless and Unconditional Love & ✨🌈 Cosmic Rainbow Diamond Light with all in my Journey & Source Evolution 💎✨ Nurturing & Creating Sacred & Sovereign Space & Interdimensional bridges, to be and love in Conscious CommUNITY. Join The Quarterly Sacred Heart Consciousness CommUNITY Coaching Circle✨⭕️✨ I’m interdimensional intuitive, I’ve lived many lives in this incarnation and experience parallel streams of consciousness working in the nodes of creation. Rooms/Groups & 1:1’s ✨Learn how to channel your Source Energy, clearing and releasing all lower frequencies and heavy densities (FEAR /Scarcity 🔜 Abundance/Unconditional Love, Light, Grace & Ease) ✨Cosmic Weaver & Spiritual Architecture Consciousness Engineer ✨Source Sacred Heart Creator Light Language ✨Jungian Psychology Studies ✨Nth Dimensional Energy Intuitive ✨Lemurian, Pleadian, Arcturian, Avian Starseed channel & guide ✨Braided Unity, Sophia & Christ Consciousness ✨Awaken & Strengthen your Claire’s +Spiritual gifts ✨Reconnect with your inner child ✨Integrate the infinite whole ✨ Create w/ Joy, Play, Flow & 🦄 ✨Intimacy, Clarity, Courage, Confidence, Breakthroughs & Genius ✨Astral Travel, Chakra & 🧬, Energy Upgrades 🌈Sharing Space, Wisdom & Cosmic Accession & Awakening Activation in: ✨M: The Space to Speak Up club ✨T: Mod Soul Communication club ✨W: Cosmic CareBear Glitterati club ✨Th: Mod Everything is Energy club ✨F: The Space to Speak Up club 🎫 IG LINKTREE FOR INFO & RSVP 🥰🌹🤩🐉♾🤸🏻‍♀️♾🦄🌻🤗 High vibration, quantum consciousness embodiment retreat Creator, supporting the mind, body and soul to integrate and connect to the highest dimensions and spirit guides. Inspiring & empowering Adults to become Stewards of Children to empower our communities to transmute the collective shadow & make 🏡, 🏫, ⛹🏻‍♀️,🏅, families, groups, & Earth a safe, sacred & sovereign space & place to be 🍃🌏🌍🌎🍃 🌹Treat me to Organic Yummies🌹 🙏🏼 Reciprocity & Energy Exchange 🥰: ⭐️Zelle: [email protected] ⭐️Venmo: @CarlyGraceCoaching