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Lindsay Kokoska




✦Visual 𓋹 Alchemist ☽ ☁️ Vivid 🌈 Dreamer ☁️ 𓆃My art weaves intuitive dreams that manifest magic to create worlds beyond our imagination. 𓆃 ✦ Transcendental Art ✦Surrealism✦ Fantasy ✦ infinite possibilities ✦Oracle/ Tarot Deck Artist / Creator ✦ DM for Art and Design Commissions, Art & Creative Direction, Album Art, Custom Cosmic Portraits & to work with me✨🌈☁️ 🧿 🎨 digital and traditional mediums 🛠collage / painting / drawing & graphic design 𓆃 Find my 1/1 NFTs on MakersPlace, KnownOrigin, Foundation 🚀🌈✨🌙 𓆃 I am an intuitive surreal artist that draws inspiration from all aspects of my life. My art lies between the figurative and surreal worlds, providing it with a dreamlike quality; modern transcendental art. I am influenced by esoteric and spiritual connections. My art manifests the power of intuition, with the hope to inspire people to go inward, so that they can access a deeper vision, to be reminded of the connections between material and spiritual experiences and see magic in their lives. ✦ 𓆃 Artistic Highlights: CMYK/butik og galleri, Copenhagen Desert Art Show, Muscat, Oman PGC (post globalization collective), Singapore LACAD group art exhibition NFT.TIPS Artist at Miami Bitcoin Conference Stratosphere International Art Exhibition Beijing Origins Exhibition NFT OASIS VR Exhibition Artist for Project Ark SearchLight NYC Global Art Exhibition // Hong Kong NFT ART Basel Miami LA Art Show DoinGud Origins Exhibition Digital Futures Exhibition // Decentraland LA Art show2022 SuperChief Nft NYC 2022 Featured Artist NFT.NYC 2023 Published/ Interviewed in: Candy Floss Magazine Art Business Review Ball Pit Magazine Human Behind the Token ✦ All is LOVE ..◇ When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” ― Paulo Coelho ゚. * Astrology & Human Design ゚. * ॐ Yoga Teacher- (Yin/ Vinyasa/ Yoga Nidra/ Meditation) for over 20 years- ॐ Do your practice and all is coming. -Pattabhi Jois 👁❤️🍄medicine, metaphysics, the 🌊 &🌲🌳 ✦Highly Intuitive △ Empath ✦ Projector 3/5✦ INFJ-A ☾ Pisces moon ☉ Aries sun ✦ Scorpio rising