School Of thought
Stop MENTAL MASTURBATING on Clubhouse... Deport over 600,000 illegal immigrants first year - $250 Blanket Tariffs even with exception - Kxlxn bet $250 There’s only one GOAT JESUS. God Of All Things CHRIST IS KING!! JESUS IS LORD!! CHRIST IS SAVIOR!! Risk is a financial concept that can be quantified, and the probability of a favorable or unfavorable outcome can be mathematically derived. There’s a difference between risk and riskiness. Buy a rental property… they answer… never too risky. Buy a lottery ticket. Sure why not If that person give you peace, do as you please I hope you win the war you tell no one about. Too many men trying to be women and too many women trying to be men. The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist.” The greatest trick the ytj 🇮🇱ever played was convincing the world that he is oppressed. Making money is an action. Saving money is a behavior. Growing money is knowledge. All you have to do is help one person in your community expecting nothing in return, but ask that one person to someday help the next guy when they can. The same boiling water that makes an egg hard makes a potato go soft. You need to dictate your environment and not let your environment dictate you If you want to change the quality of your life, you have to change how you spend the quality of your time. I am building generational wealth. Are you? They ain’t do four years in college, but they will do 25-life. It’s better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war. The reason you are broke is because of lifestyle inflation. “Tomorrows Lie will be Todays Truth” “Tough times create strong men. Strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men. Weak men create tough times. The cycle repeats itself” “A smart man learns from his mistakes but A wise man learns from the mistakes of others. A fool never learns at all” “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” “A ship is safe at the harbor but that’s not what a ship was built for” “Death is the essence of love” I do not consent to be recorded My statements are based on the average. Not the totality. Quotes from Clubhouse Black Wo(Men) Nataya - 2/7 - “Let’s call his job and tell them what he is saying.” Kxlen Room - “Let’s ban homework for kids K - 8. Homework is overbearing for these children.” $50K+ “”