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Isaac Flores




IMUniversal | Digital " A Brand that Gives Multidimensional Access " Be a Self Starter, In Full Awareness and Expanding Consciousness. If you want to live a heart centered life. Solutions will be your choice. Tapping in you inner Genius becomes even more viable. We create Aligned Digital Programs: Business/Life-style strategies for Purposeful Business Development that Anchor your Business in Universal Love. Connecting Open Hearted Entrepenurers in a Aligned Network. Helping the 99% Awaken beyond the current perception anchored in Higher Dimensional Love,Light and Life. You lived your whole life wondering if there was more to life than this, How to become closer to divinity without all the Soul traps, Polarity splits, False Beliefs Systems. BECOME IN TUNE WITH HIGHER LESSONS. Invested in Online Business Development . On-Going Development: IMUniversal Academy Digital Programs available: • How to build a purposeful network. • Marketing • Broadcast System STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP Sponsorship Events online and offline Local and Non-Local Promotional Advertising
