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Coach Clarissa




Impossible is just a word! Join the community and do the #ImPossible50 - a 50day SELF-Care challenge Founder : I’mPossible50 I’m your M.S.I. Specialist 💰 Multi - passionate Business Development Strategist 🏦 💕I love to add value * Let’s have a conversation 🤝 ✅A quality & sincere conversation is the starting point of greatness🙏 🏆Founder of LifeBiz Solutions ✅Providing laser focus Success solutions for your life & business w/ balance! ✅Unlocking someone’s unlimited potential ✅Connecting people & opportunities 👆Leadership | Balance | Success —> real T.I.M.E. ( the time you needed it most ) - I lead with balance - I balance the fun in my life - I achieve success with people around me and take them to where they want to BE! I Work laser focused w/ people who are ready for REAL T.I.M.E. SUCCESS and turn impossible goals to I’mPOSSIBLE! ✅if you are ready to be HAPPIER, HEALTHIER & WEALTHIER, let’s connect! I.M.A.G.E. Transformation Real T.I.M.E. SUCCESS Coach. 📚Author 🏃‍♀️UltraMARATHONER 💪Athlete 📈Entrepreneur *Investor *Fitness Model *Civil Engineer *Mother *Wife *Friend *Wellness Advocate *Sevant Leader *Mentor *RealTIMEcoach My Websites 🖥 🌐 🌐 🌐 900th Member of Batangas Jologs Let’s have a conversation 👇🏼
