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Michael Parker Jr.




KINDLY BE ADVISED that my presence in a room does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of said room.. "The wheat and the tare must grow together" until the Lord does the separating A Son....Amongst other things. Just ask. Cash app: $MichaelDParkerJr 🔸NJ 🔹NYC ◾️Servant ▫️Assistant to my Leaders 🔸Speaker🎙 🔹Prophet (Submitted to God & my leader) 🗣🌎 🔸RBT/Para-Professional/Teacher👨🏽‍🏫. 🔹A MarketMaker 📈📉📊. ▪️Young Black Man✊🏾 🌎🌏🌍DOMINION. #Marketmaker.TV #TheExcellingChurch #Marketmaker.TV #ExcellingChurch MPDJR.