Temple L
🌹I am a mental wellness influencer. Peer support leader. Relationship mediation and healing. 🌹Specialized focus on families and couples living with bipolar. I teach spouses and family members how to navigate through the different stages of living with someone with bipolar from pre diagnosis, living with the diagnosis and how to know when to end the marriage. 🖤 🌺🌺Book a discovery call with me and buy my ebook on ➡️Templeleffingwell.com 🌹I am college educated in psychology, addiction education and social studies. I have a much larger education in spiritual studies. Passion for nutritional/ supplemental health for the brain and body. 🌹The purpose is to raise awareness to prevent the trauma that happens when bipolar is left untreated for too long. 🔸Relationship Mediation and Re-Creation 🔸Role play and scripts for healing conversations 🔸Family Tree chain breakers 🔸Habits of Healing List 🔸Co-creating Visions for Manifesting 🔸Medical Medium health protocols for chronic illness recovery. 🔸Forgiveness Freedom Practice 🔸How to clear your own energy with my personal techniques 🔸Recalibration of your point of attraction 🔸Compassionate Boundary training 🔸Nutritional and supplemental guidance for brain health/stress relief #intuitiveempath #spiritualteacher #publicspeaker #womansadvocate