Johnnetta Bennett
Domestic Violence Survivor/Advocate CEO of Imaracosmeticz Cashapp: $msssharee My business Instagram :Imaracosmeticz FB: Johnnetta Bennett Hello, I’m Johnnetta and I am the CEO and owner of the indie cosmetics brand Imaracosmeticz. The sole purpose of Imaracosmeticz is to uplift women who have been through domestic violence, sexual assault, and many other issues that I myself have been through and survived. The name Imara means : strength and prosperity. I made sure to name the shades in my palette something positive because I want the women to speak life into themselves as they get ready. I am also an international best selling author of the book Shade No More Pain :Released and Set Free with a group of women who talk about everything we have overcome. So please join me on this journey of uplifting women across the nation.