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Mitch Zamara




Free to Play Game Designer for 12+ yrs. Now 100% focused on the blockchain.๐Ÿ•นโš–๏ธ๐Ÿ’Ž Wildly passionate about sharing my knowledge and expertise designing for over a dozen hit Free To Play games enjoyed by over 150 million players, and generating tens of millions in revenue. Got a question? Want to talk game design? Ask me on Twitter! I love designing systems, economies, monetization, balance, tuning, and spreadsheets! Currently Lead Designer @ Million On Mars. Leading design on a blockchain enabled game called Land Rush launching later this year on WAX. Iโ€™ve also been a designer on a bunch of mobile/social games. Weed Inc, Idle Fishing Story, Castle Story, CityVille, and Vampire Wars to name a few. Previously @ Metamoki, Zynga, NetEase, FunPlus, Storm8, MTV etc...