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Mustafa Ayanle Dahir




CEO & Editor in Chief Africa 21st Century News & Galaxy 21st Entertainment. ❤️I am a firm believer the power of media to be used for the greater good & show case the beauty of our intertwined common humanity. The media can also enlighten the masses of how both their private and governmental enterprises work & alert 🚨 the public at large any wrong doings that may arise!!!. 💡🦅🦁💡I am also an avid optimist & bubbly personality full of cheerful high spirit with big dreams & goals . I don’t let outside world control & dictate me of how I should act and live my life. I see things in the aspect of eternal destiny!!! 🌎🦁🌴🦅🌎Global citizen at heart ❤️ 💡🔥❤️with nomadic cultural style upbringing. I cherish and celebrate the undeniable beauty of human diversity 🔥❤️🔥 ❤️🦁🦅❤️I don’t collect insignificant accolades, but I keep my eyes 👀 on the big prize of making forever lasting legacy of uplifting the masses of Africa ( the richest continent on this tiny island 🌴 so-called Mother Earth 🌍) out of poverty & into a world of abundance based on democracy, entrepreneurship & most importantly innovation, WabilahiTawfiq ( All success is due to and because of Allah/God, All-Knowing!!!) 🔥🦁🦅🔥Hobby with purpose driven cause & having fun at the same time: 🥊An avid writer and reader . 🥊 Extreme & high intensity Fitness 🥊Meditation 🥊Fasting. 🥊Travel enthusiast with purpose 🥊Comedy 🥊Skin care industry 🥊Green technology 🥊Love cultural festival. 🥊Studying the effects of different fruits & vegetables in our body system. Not a fan of meat & diary products !!. 🥊I love getting to know how human anatomy functions!. 🥊Any kind of soothing and uplifting music 🎶. 🥊Outdoor hiking 🥾. 🥊Love politics based on respectful , meaningful & open minded debate .No party affiliation, but an ultra independent voter!. 🥊Big fan & loyal student of technology 🥊Love to study up close & intrigued of how stock market effects our world 🌎 either for the worst or the better !!!. A true & genuine success is not a popularity contest ; but a sheer resilience & unwavering determination by restless humble servant, Invisible Soul/Energy/Universe /Spirit to make an everlasting difference for the betterment of all humanity to be cherished in infinite!!!. Be the shadow & sweet music melody of your eternal Destiny ( DreamBig & Superstitiously Imagination) by being both your worst critic & your best cheerleader, WabilahiTawfiq ( All success is due to & because of Allah/God, All-Knowing !!!) 👏🥊💡🦁🦅💡❤️🔥🇺🇸🔥❤️💡🦁🦅💡🥊👏