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Shadana Williams




🔹Songwriter 🔹Bachelor of Arts 🔹Masters of Science in Entertainment Business 🔹Real Estate Investor 📍Atlanta, GA Currently investing in the Atlanta area, as well as Jacksonville & Gainesville, FL areas. My story: After losing my mother at the age of 4 and father at the age of 7, I realized early on that I had to take responsibility of my own life. Although I wasn’t dealt the best hand, it was up to me to make the plays that would yield a successful outcome. I started college in the 10th grade, graduated with a Bachelor of Arts, later obtained my Masters, then purchased my first house without a down payment or co-signer. You can either make excuses or make it happen…I chose the latter. Currently trying to build the generational wealth that I was never afforded, and help others do the same while doing so! 🖤✊🏾