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Dan Ashcroft




To connect “off house” you can e mail me at: [email protected] Just started a CH club, if you’re living in Tokyo check it out 🙂👍 Just type “Team Tokyo” into the search here on CH and come join it 🍻 I guess a couple of useful maxims to keep in mind when navigating the faux certainty and assertions you will encounter on CH and other “attention economy” incentivised social media sites are - “One of the greatest challenges in life is knowing enough about a subject to think you’re right, but not enough about the subject to know you’re wrong” - NDT “The problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, while the wise are so full of doubt” - BR “Education makes the wise slightly wiser, but it makes the fool vastly more dangerous”. -NNT 🏴‍☠️ Something that I rarely see people on CH do but they really should is; in response to a challenge, instead of laughing, dismissing, shouting over, dog piling mob style, name calling, or deploying straw-men, ad hominem, etc. in order to shut down or discredit said challenge in a dishonest way, just to maintain your ego, pride or save face in front of your “fans”; why not instead say, “ok, I don’t know the answer or a good counter argument to that point atm, let me go away and think on it and I’ll come back to you” And then do exactly that ! This is not a weakness, this takes far more courage. Mods and their stooges seem especially keen on maintaining their standing by deploying these cheap tactics and others to bolster their “authority” and fragile egos. Please don’t do this, it makes you look stupid and it doesn’t lead to anyone learning anything.
