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Nirmal‎ ;)




📍India Bad Guy 💯 Atheist | Rationalist | Humanist ( Just be real, it saves everyone's time ) I'm a different person to different people. Bad to one, kind to another. Quite to few, loud to some and unknown to alot of people. I've different versions of myself. And sometimes I'm paradoxical. I'm lazy, yet I'm ambitious. I don't like myself, but i also love who i am. I say i don't care, but i really do. I crave attention, but reject it when it comes my way. I'm a conflicted contradiction. _________________________________________________ You have to become stronger. The world does not, and will never reward weak men Anything that's strong is difficult to control "Be a man" I don't want guys focusing their life on women. I don't want guys hurting themselves over women. Some dudes out there that are killing themselves over a woman that don't give a f*ck about them. I'll tell you guys, women are not designed to be loyal, they're designed to look for the best. So you become the BEST. Control your lust as a man and you'll realize how foolish it is to prioritize women. The worst thing a man can do is ignore red flags in a woman. One crazy woman can ruin your whole life. Birds can't teach fish how to fly. So why are women teaching us how to be men ? How your gf should be : Your girlfriend should be beautiful and hot. But more importantly she should be loyal, feminine, have good friends, should respect you, desire you and be good at heart. Don't think from your d***. Beauty eventually fades, Character stays. The last thing you want be, is a calculated choice for a woman. They aren't rational towards men they really love. If you're a calculated choice they do not love you deeply. They are compromising. Wise men know this. When a strong man puts pressure on a weak woman. She runs to a weak man to validate her immature behaviour. It's okay for a woman to find a man with bright future. But men also lookout for women with clean past. There's no other way around. There are no good girls. The only difference between good girls and bad girls is : The bad girls have been caught and the good girls haven't been caught yet. Men are mad when you lie to them. Woman are mad when you tell them the truth. Women, all their lives have been fed with lies by their parents, society & simps. Due to this it's strange to them when they hear the truth. "When the facts change, i change my mind. What do you do, sir?" - John Maynard Keynes
