Writer, lyricist, men’s chorus director. 💯 ent Sports Center -Leader SHOW UP ON TIME…BE PREPARED…DON’T WASTE THE TIME OF OTHER PEOPLE. 🟢Handler for “puppet” Iancene Nutin’ intrepid reporter for 💯 Ent…. Supporter of DT Designs see his Instagram 🪙Member of 100 Black Men- please check it out- Kids first -they will be what they see 100blackmen.org🪙 ✅Drone Racing League Participant🏁 ✅Drone Racing League Champ🏎 ✅Weekly Podcast- Straight Conversation - Wait Whaaat!!! With Jesse Evans https://youtu.be/KWIxmtcjYXc ✅Admitted Political Junkie-no sides-Truth Rulz Your buy direct from the farmer source…. Fresh is best 🥩 (message me for info) Promotion partner for BambooSwitch.com (Sustainable Affordability) use code Dre10 for discount 🖤