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Teela West




Realtor, Coach: Life, Credit & Esthetics PURPOSE guides my INTENTIONS that reflects in my EFFECTIVENESS. My SUCCESS is when YOU make $$! Founder of The Esthetics Business Society šŸ¤‘Entrepreneur - My Lifeā€™s Purpose šŸŽ¤Motivational Speaker - You Wonā€™t Be Disappointed šŸ’„ Impact Coach: Life, Biz & Credit - I Change Lives By Changing Mindsets šŸ”Florida Realtor - Letā€™s add a few addresses to your resume šŸ§–šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøLicensed Esthetician & Coach - Beauty Is Wealth šŸ“Central Florida šŸ“Atlanta, Georgia šŸ“Montgomery/Birmingham, AL My relationship with GOD will never be compromisedšŸ™ŒšŸ¾ šŸŽ¤ Iā€™m using Clubhouse to make connections that will expand my reach! If you ping me and I donā€™t accept the invite itā€™s because I just want to LISTEN or donā€™t have any VALUE to add! My Instagram Has A Link That Gives You A Gateway To What I Do!