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Holly Maxwell Boydell




🤍 From Breakdown to speaking LIVE! I have a story ... and that’s my ‘qualification’. 🤍 Taking a step beyond, to help YOU to rise well. 🤍 It is my passion to see lives empowered, situations transformed, waste stopped & the earth a nurturing place for us all. 🌎 🕊 Peace 🕊 ♥️ 1 Corinthians 13 = LOVE ➡️🤍 ♥️ Authenticity is key. ♥️ Everything from the heart. ♥️ Mindfulness makes the difference. 🔹 I help people who feel stuck to max their lives well by shifting their habits & mindset. 🔹 Leadership | Empowerment | Sustainability 💡 Blog 👉 💡 Podcast: “Talking Hearts” 👉 On all main podcast platforms. 💡 Newsletter, “The Whisper”. 👉 💡 Referral & Marketing Service: 👉 💡 BRANDING AUTHENTICITY Resource 👉 [Currently On Hold] ————— 🧠 NeuroGym & Innercise™️ helpd me to escape breakdown. Learn more: ————— ✳️🌲♻️ 🤍🌴 🇬🇧🌲🇿🇦🇬🇸🇬🇧🐘🌍🏆🌳⚱️🌲 🌿 Writer 🌿 Speaker 🌿 Founder 🌿 Podcast Host 🌿 Host + Moderator on CH 💎 Love First. 💎 Mindset Matters. 💎 Authentic. Natural. Sustainable. ♥️ My business partner is God. ♥️ I am a Wife, Mother, Homemaker. ♥️ Family and friends mean the world to me. ♥️ I have lived & worked on three continents, in both hemispheres. Hashtags: #OrganicIsBest #GiveOurChildrenHope #TowardsGreenerBorders 🌿🤍🌿 ✨ Authenticity (personal + business) and Sustainability are vital and inform all that I do. ✨ Integrity, trust, hope & love are guiding lights. ✨ Home, Health, Happiness & Hygge mean everything. 🌏 I am an overcomer, survivor of all sorts & have been trained by life to be adaptable. I speak from my heart and experience. Now that I have found my voice and my way back to myself after an overwhelming breakdown, I use my pen + voice to help to bring liberty to others. I’m passionate about doing life with authenticity, grace + a good dose of humour and common sense. Excellence and accountability are prerequisites. I look forward to a meaningful & healthful connection with you and your business. Mindfully, Holly x 🌲🤍🌲 👋 Founder & Moderator CH Clubs: ✳️ Ahead Of The Pack ✳️ TGB Global ~ Towards Greener Borders 👋 Moderator: ✳️ Sustainability Leadership Club TIPS: 💰 Linktree or at 💰 🌐 🌐 🌐