Jonghong Jeon
🇰🇷Researcher, ETRI | ✳️Moderator of “AI/ML in Medicine” club | AI/ML Testing, Medical AI, Wearable, Healthcare IoT, Medical 3D Printing | Camper, Trekker, Visionary, Dreamer, Investor | 🤝Standardization Coordinator 🙏 - Project Leader of ISO/IEC WD 3532-2 (Segmentation) - Project Leader of IEC 63203-402-2 (Step counting) ⌚️ - Co-editor : OCF Healthcare Internet of Things spec. 🩺 - Member of ITU-T/WHO FG-AI4H(Focus Group on AI for Health) - Member of IEC TC 62 SNAI(Software, Network, Artificial Intelligence) Advisory Group - Member of IEC TC 124 (Wearable Electronics) ⌚️ - Member of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42(Artificial IntelligenceI) - Member of ISO/IEC JTC 1/WG 12(3D Printing and Scanning) - Member of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 41(Internet of Things and Digital Twin) - 국내위원장, IMDRF(국제 의료기기 규제당국자 포럼) AI/ML MD(AI Medical Device) WG - 대한의료인공지능학회(Korea Society of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine) 표준화 이사 ⚕️ - Candidate PL : Testing of AI Systems (JTC 1/SC 42) - Candidate PL : Evaluation Procedure (JTC 1/WG 12) - Preparing : Clinical Performance Evaluation of AI/ML Medical device (IEC TC 62, IMDRF) - Preparing : Test data SOP (IEC TC62, JTC 1/SC 42) - International Standardization activity : W3C, OMA, DICOM/IHE, ITU-T, DITTA Open-source activity - - - - Outdoor/Trekking - 🇳🇵Nepal Annapurna Round Circuit (2019) - 🗻Japan North Alphs (2018) - ⛰100대 명산 완주 (2017~2018) - 제주 올레길 완주 (2010~2014) - ⛰백두대간 북진 중 (2017 ~ ) - 🏝섬 트래킹, 오지 백패킹 - 🏕Auto-Camping (2005~) -🎒Backpacking (2010~) - 🚐차박 (2019~)