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Salwa Ibrahim




Currently owns/operates: 🍪Cookies Oakland 🌳5 acres of greenhouse 💡1000+ lights indoor 💨 Crumbz brand (exotic shake) 📦 Belo distribution 🎶 Highland Events 💵 MKSI Investments (investing in seed to sale businesses ex: Cannacraft, Cookies, Guild....) Salwa Ibrahim has been a pioneer in the cannabis industry for over thirteen years, opening and operating dispensaries and cultivation/extraction facilities across multiple states, with sales totaling $50M+ annually. Salwa started her career in cannabis in 2008 working for activist Richard Lee and Oaksterdam University. In 2011 salwa and her partners opened Blum dispensary an on-site vertically integrated dispensary (retail,cultivation, extraction, packaging/distro). In 2014 Blum became an MSO opening in Las Vegas and Reno while holding licenses for cultivation, production and retail. In 2016, Salwa and her partners at Blüm launched the first cannabis dispensary IPO in history. In 2019, Salwa and her team at Highland Events produced Grasslands at San Francisco’s Outside Lands—the first recreational cannabis vending experience at a major music festival. In her current role at MKSI Investments, Salwa lends expertise and experience to emerging cannabis companies while seeking new opportunities and markets.