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Gisele Bonds




📸 Your Personal Brand Visibility Strategist & Branding Photographer 📸 I help my clients get visible via brand photos, local SEO, live streaming, social media, & networking.   📍Oakland is the home of my 31 year old photography studio but as soon as that chick Rona gets her life together, my MUA and I will be back in the airports bringing our Brand Transformation Experience to a city near you!  🚀 Are you ready to launch your brand on Clubhouse but don’t know how? The Clubhouse Fast Track Pack has everything you need to hit the ground running. Details at   💚 I LOVE AKA My Alpha Kappa Alpha Chapter, RDO serves The Bay Area. 💕   💗AKApreneurs Club loading... Go to 👇👇👇 to sign up for notifications when the club is approved and an invitation to our virtual launch party & other events in and outside of Clubhouse. Let’s have conversations about recycling our $19.08 Pink & Green dollars and AKA Economics 💚 Tap In to 👇👇👇. 💼💼💼💼. for access to my Facebook Community   🎉 Welcome Party Queen 🎤 Public Speaker  🍸 Cocktail Creator  🎶 Festvaling   🔎 I’m passionate about Brand Visibility because they can’t pay you if they can’t SEE you! 🔍