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Isa Elliott




🎙Ascap Award winning Songwriter|Soul Artist 🎙iCreate Art with my Voice. 🎙iHeal souls with it. . 🎙iBuild businesses with it. My new album “GATME” IS OUT NOW ON ALL DIGITAL PLATFORMS 🗣Founder and CEO of the Eating Artist Agency- A boutique creative consulting and digital marketing agency. We guide creatives to monetization. 🗣Founder and Senior Mentor of Vocal Mentor Express a Mentorship and Coaching program for vocalists and artists. @vocalmentor on Instagram 🗣Co-CEO of Team BGV LLC with Princess Jones @princessthebgv A business organization who’s primary purpose is to SERVE professional and aspiring background vocalists everywhere. @TEAMBGV on Instagram ✨ Official Team BGV on Clubhouse ✨Curator of GATME Conversations