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🌺Spiritual Leader 🌺 Intuitive/Visionary 🌺Certified Life Coach 🌺 Ho’Oponopono Luna 🌺Always expanding my light 🌺 Leadership mentor 🌺 Currently living on the Big Island of Hawaii after much Heart and Soul searching I have landed here 🌺 I am a conscious student of life, spiritual living and love 🌺 My New Club👇💥🌎💐🔮🔥🔥 DIVINE SUCCESS ACADEMY, is about you and your spiritual development 🌈🙏emotional intelligence 😎 letting go and being divinely guided , we are right where we are supposed to be., 🔥follow the light 🌺We are Divinely guided and have everything we need to create the life we desire 🌺 I teach women 50+ how we can UNHOOK from old patterns and beliefs that keep us going and going on the hamster wheel of Life, 🌪 spinning in old story keeping you physically and emotionally sick, literally stopping you from living the LIFE you WANT!! 🌴Chronic illness💔Broken heart 🥲Emotionally drained💜🌺☮️please DM me to have a healing conversation 🌺 “We are spiritual beings having a human experience”🙏 Melinda Hogvord-Red Circle ⭕️ Club •SPIRIT•MIND•BODY Healing your relationships and family integration… 🌴❤️ As a Ho’ Oponopono Luna I help couples, families and individuals using ancient Traditional Ho’Oponopono ( not the mantra) 🙏🦋🌈💙 A Sacred practice and process ❤️ Please message me for a discovery call. May the spirit of Aloha be with you🙏 🔥❤️👑Pushing through fear has been a recent practice revealing magical ways of being . I ended my 30 year relationship and started my spiritual journey in 2018. Pushing through my fears is allowing to expand spiritually and create a wonderful life for myself. 🌴it’s really been quite magical. I have met some amazing teachers and currently living out my dream of moving back to Hawaii with my ancestors and living family 🦋💗💦🌴 📙 Currently on Audible , Nick name:Teri Studied, Chid development 2 yr. Psychology associate degree AA counselor 2yr. Animal Husbandry 10 yr. Online digital coaching, Ingrid Arna Quantum Touch Professional Life Coach Ho’ Oponopono level 1 Ho’ Oponopono Luna Recently studied with Mano O Molokai, Hawaiian studies, Beginning Oli’s and Hula Lives in Riverside, Southern California FB Biz: Tresa Hennessey The Liberated Woman FB Tresa Adams Hennessey [email protected] email me