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Helen Mastanduno




🏡CEO of Skyward Property Partners 👩‍💼Founder and President of the nonprofit Hope and Love Inc 👩‍💼President of P.C. Real Estate Firm New Jersey Division 🏢 P.C. Real Estate Firm Branch office owner 💎Skyward Property Partners, LLC Real estate investor and Real estate branch office owner 💎Founded the nonprofit Hope and Love, Inc 💎Home Cooking show on Boss Lady TV Network coming soon 💎Interior Design and Home Staging Logo Design 📍Skyward Property Partners, LLC specializes in taking distressed homes and bringing life and luster back to them, turning a house into a home. We are active in our community partnering with P.C. Real Estate to get your homes to a wider audience to accommodate your every need. Looking to buy or sell real estate? DM me on IG or backchannel me on Clubhouse for more details! 📍Hope and Love, Inc is a 501C3 tax exempt organization that was founded to extend hope and love to veteran women and disadvantaged communities. We offer housing, clothing, food, and resources to those who need aid. 📍Need a logo done? My logo design skills have been repeatedly used to create beautiful logos for companies that bring their vision to life! 📍I’m the President and Branch Office Owner of P.C. Real Estate Firm New Jersey Division with the vision to expand economic development throughout my state and beyond. 📍Hel’ Kitchen Home Cooking show airs on Boss Lady TV Network. It aims to feed not only the body, but the mind and the soul as well demonstrating wholeness and wellness. I teach the busy professionals how to cook delicious healthy meals on a budget and on the go! I give inspirational messages everyday so tune in to get to slicing and dicing in the kitchen! 💎 💎