Cate Havstad-Casad
Founder & CEO @RangeRevolution 🐂 👜 The world’s first leather luggage company using 100% verifiably Regenerative leather hides from the @landtomarket supply chain. Leather staples from the land, for the land Founder and creator at Havstad Hat Company @havstadhatco ✨ Custom heirloom hats ✨ Co-Founder, Farmer and Business Manager at Casad Family Farms @casadfamilyfarms ✨Regenerative / biodiverse / closed- loop farming & grazing 380 acres in Oregon. Building ag / food / fiber systems for true ecological and financial sustainability 🌾 EOV Farm monitoring & managing for Ecological Outcomes 🥩 Land to Market direct to consumer regenerative meats 🥔 🐂 🥬 Founding member-owner & Vice President of Central Oregon’s first cooperatively owned local foods distribution business. Interested in conversations surrounding regenerative business, systems thinking, planetary boundaries, regenerative agriculture and ecological services, regional food systems, purpose driven design, community resilience.