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Hasti Rahimi




🧑‍🔬🧪 future chemist, researcher and cutting-edge scientist 👩‍🔬 -wir müssen die Natur nicht verändern! -aber Dad! Veränderung *ist* die Natur! Dialog von Ratatouille (Disney Animation Film) what an infinitely great paradise of knowledge waiting to be unlocked by the key of curiosity trapped inside of us I doubt, therefore I am 153, 53-95 1-33-22 (try to break the code!) 📍Sanandaj, Kurdistan A polyglot 🗣 (🇮🇷, 🇹🇯, 🇩🇪, 🇫🇷, 🇨🇦, 🇮🇹, 🇸🇪 + the language of the periodic table, I guess?!) 👩‍🎓 fascinated with: ✔️ organic chemistry, organic synthesis, spectroscopy, Biochemistry and Neurochemistry (Also willing to explain why I chose chemistry not just as a way of seeing the world around me, but also a way of life) 🖋 Philosophy, I could have written several books by now about the “philosophizing” I do given how often people tell me “hey! *finger snaps* What you thinking about?!” ⚛️ not a cation, but a zwitterion 📚A bookworm (in the process of becoming a Book-butterfly) 🎹 🎻 A pianist (have been playing for almost 7 years) and violin player + I love the guitar and harp Those short seconds of pure chemistry and understanding of life and nature …