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Hana Khan




I love helping data professionals become confident and effective data visualizers and presenters 🎙 Founder of Data Viz and Presentation club (5k+ followers & members). Follow the club to get notified about talks (first icon under my bio). ✳️ Contact me if interested in co-moderating in this club! [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ About me: 🎤 An introvert that ❤️ public speaking 🌏 Geographer 👩🏾‍💻 Data analyst 📍Bay Area, California ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ⭐️ Clubhouse goals: 👋🏽 Meet fellow data nerds, techies, introverts, voice skills creators ✳️ Host/co-host rooms on data, data viz, public speaking 👩‍🏫 Learn from you all! ➡️ Join my club: “Data Viz and Presentation” Contact: [email protected]