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Hakeema Rozainah




🧕🏼 Thought Leader on Fitrah Technology and Tauhidic Science 🌿Healer based on Ibnu Sina Medicine 🎤 International Speaker ✍🏽 Author “WHY ARE YOU DISAPPOINTED IN LIFE? THE UNIVERSE IS INSIDE YOU !!! LET’S HEAL AND FLY.” "Life is short with no time to waste. Do not reinvent the wheel. Lets heal your body-heart-soul through these time-tested formula used by the most successful people ever lived. Join me now to get back the passion in your life" - (Hakeema Rozainah) I am a thought leader on Fitrah Technology and Tauhidic Science, proving to people how these are the breakthrough technology from the beginning of time that shall last till the end of times. I have innovated the most astounding program "Formula Trillionaire", to breakthrough mental and physical health problems, relationship and financial issues for a life of success and abundance. 📍Founder of : 🔹Ibnu Sina Wellness (ISW) @ 🔹Quranic Intelligence Development System 🔹Foundation for Global Advancement 🖋Author 📖Mati Itu Pasti Sihat Itu Pilihan 📖Anugerah Tuhan Dari Wuhan #fightcovid19 📖Super Sihat Syawal 📖Panduan 101 Penyakit (7 volume) 📖Stres dan Anxiety Mengancam Jantung 📖Nikmat Selera Sel vs Bahaya Nafsu Perut 📖Bangkitkan Nikmat hidupmu 📖Jom Hijrah 📖Resipi Super Energy 📖Resipi Super Imun