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Guds Tyme




“Gud to be seen not to be viewed” X-Ecutioner crew “Música Negra” a song I wrote 🎶 #siezethetime🙅🏿‍♂️, Chapelles Show 2nd season, RCA, @smokeafellafilms. Washed but still dirty.. #lavidasigueadelante #healthiswealth #nosmiling I’d rather sell drugs 🤦🏾‍♂️ but sneakers and art fulfill me. #imakebeats. (ESPN, “The Substitute 2 Lovingly Supplied Organics LLC #juiceWorld Just a kid from Corona, Queens 11368 raised by wolves #nevergetold #theworldissmall #grenadetosser #IkidIkid #TRIGGERING $guds101 No children have been harmed in the making of this podcast. There isn’t enough characters to describe my character. 🇧🇧
