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Greg Walker




“My biggest goal in life is to become a great ancestor” -Dr. Greg Walker 🙏 Let’s talk about breaking generational curses. 🙏🏻 The only one of 15 kids to go beyond the 9th grade. ❤️ Married my “Girlfriend 4 Life” for 35 years🙏 📕 NYT BEST SELLING AUTHOR 💎 30 Year Owner of over 200 QSR Franchises . 🎙 Int’l Award Winning Impact Speaker. 🗣🏆 Voted Top 50 Speakers in the World in 2017. 🗣 Impacted Audiences in 20 Countries & 43 States since 2017 🗣TED❌ Speaker/Coach 🎯 Business Growth Strategist to NBA Legend, Heavy Weight Champion, Olympic Gold Medalist and Many Small Business Owners. 🙏 Honorary Doctorate Of Business at 56 from TRANSCONTINENTAL UNIVERSITY in Columbus Ohio. 🎯 I’m here to inspire you to Dream BIG and achieve BIGGER. 🎯 I love helping ordinarily people live extraordinary lives. 🎯 As a Business coach your success is my success. 🎯 I believe We are all “too BIG” to Dream small. -Greg Walker 🎙 Speaker Coach @ Impact Speakers Academy helping you get BOOKED & PAID to tell your story and IMPACT the World.. I ❤️ helping others Win in Business & Life by giving them the TOOLS, TIPS and STRATEGIES that I used to help me go from being called a BIG Dreamer as one of fifteen kids, to building an EMPIRE of Restaurants and retire from day to day operations at the age of 39. 🎙 As an Award Winning Speaker let me show you how I went from a guy who couldn’t ask his wife to marry him 34 years ago to competing for The World Championship Of Public Speaking at the age of 48 and speaking globally to Fortune 500 Companies, Colleges and Professional Athletes. 📕 - Let me teach you how I sold 86,000 copies of my book at $24.99 with NO PR firm. 🎯 - I help people go from where they are, to where they want to be. 🎙 I coach speakers how to get BOOKED & paid to speak. 🎯- Strategic Business Growth Coach 🎙- TEDx Speaker/Coach 📚 - 4x Published Author 📙 - FORBES 📗 - HUFF POST 📕 2019 Cover Success Profiles Magazine. 📺- Featured CBS, NBC, FOX, SIRIUS /XM 💥 Future Host of: 🎙 DREAM-GRIND-HUSTLE PODCAST. Connect with me on Instagram & Twitter ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️asked for more