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Heike Betsch




The best way to predict your future is to create it #stopwarnow 💧UN decade on Ecosystem Restoration 🌎 Restoration of damaged ecosystems is fundamental to achieving the SDGs 💡Preventing and reversing the degradation of ecosystems worldwide 🎬 Movies worth watching: Seaspiracy, Kiss the ground 🌊 Climate protection is ocean protection ⛄️ Let‘s stop global warming now! If you were waiting for a sign: this is it ♻️Sustainability beyond Greenwashing 🚫 Facebook, WhatsApp, Insta & Co 👄 English, Spanish, German 🎯 Circular Economy, Sustainable Transformation ⚡️Energy Transition ⚠️Limits of Growth, Planetary Boundaries, Environmental Crisis, Climate Emergency ❄️ Conservation of Antarctica 🌱 Global Green New Deal 🧠 Intern. Business Management, Exchange Studies UAC Chile, Certified Project Manager Wind Energy (@Proventus HH), Certificate in Operational Eco-Management and Environmental Economics (Univ. Koblenz Online Programme), Management and Leadership Certificates @Management School St. Gallen ⭐️ Female Empowerment 🔥Salsa dancing, Sustainable Travel, LOHAS Sigue tus sueños ellos saben el camino 🌍Travelled to 50+ countries, visited 7 continents ❤️Latin America, Antarctica, Patagonia 🏔 🌋 🥾🚵🏿‍♀️ 🥕Vegan Lifestyle Veggie since 2007 Connect with me on LinkedIn