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Christina Roberts



friends I am a chronic catalyst and dream doer with a massive mission to create a more just, equitable and flourishing world. I partner with ambitious and accomplished women to create a life they don’t want to escape from, a life filled with Satisfaction, Optimism, Uberty and Love (S.O.U.L.). I empower women to marry their personal essence with their professional excellence and pursue a life filled with passion and purpose. I guide emerging and established entrepreneurs to find the freedom and fulfillment that can come from a signature framework that enables you to potentially make money in your sleep because your money is in your IP (Intellectual Property), so if you don’t have a SIZZLING signature framework, you are leaving money on the table! I accidentally just erased my WHOLE BIO 😭😭😭 I will be recreating it over the next 24-48 months🤣🤷🏻‍♀️...(so please be patient with me as I try and recall EVERYTHING I previously included 😩) Ultimate Identity: A Child of God 🙏🏽❤️🥰 Additional Identities: Aggressive Altruist, Chaos Curator, Learning Architect, Equity Game Changer, Diversity & Inclusion Strategist, Faith & Fitness Enthusiast, High Performance S.O.U.L. Coach, Saintly Sinner Summary of My Resume: I am a former NYC high school principal and turnaround principal/CEO of an independent charter school turned education and equity entrepreneur who started an award winning consulting company to empower leaders to transform cultures in a way that drive substantive change and fuel sustainable growth, and I also offer holistic and high performance executive coaching for women leaders LinkedIn- Christina Farinacci-Roberts