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Grace Allison




💕Lifestyle Strategist/Blogger 💁🏾‍♀️Self-Care and Accountability Coach 🎙️Women Empowerment Speaker 🎤Host of Fine & Fearless Confessions Podcast 📍Charlotte, North Carolina CEO of @thefineandfearlesslifestyle The Fine and Fearless Lifestyle is a lifestyle boutique that specializes in teaching women to become the best version of themselves through self care and mindfulness. I founded The Fine and Fearless Lifestyle during a dark time in my life. For years, as a young ambitious professional, I went above and beyond to make things happen. I started to place other people’s wants and needs over my own sanity and happiness. I quickly experienced burnout. In June 2017, my mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer, and my world shattered. I watched my mom live out her entire life trying to please others, yet still unfilled. It was at this moment, I decided to take my POWER back with self care and mindfulness. ✨ I help exhausted millennial women put themselves back on the to-do list, face their fears, and become a better version of themselves. 💎Hosted several events to empower women by being educated on self-care, goal setting, work-life balance, mindfulness, beauty and health, and wellness. WE OFFER: 💕Self-care tips and coaching 👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏾Community 👇🏾 Join the self-care Gang #FineandFearless 📝: @legacylifestylecollective 📝💋 Helping ambitious female college students and professionals BOSS up with a compelling resume’ and show up #FineandFearless 💼Looking to network with other female founders, professionals, and students 👩🏾‍🎓Education-HBCU Graduate 💙 Elizabeth City State University- 2011 Alumna #VikingPride 🦅North Carolina Central University- 2015 Aluma #EaglePride ❤️🐘: DELTA DIVA 🐾 Fur Mom