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Golden Swordz Pt.4




#Wilmington, Delaware πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² The most feared black hebrew doctrine destroyer on this app. None of them dare to debate me one on one and all who have ever attempted were utterly destroyed. I have defeated ISUPK members such as tazaryach and I have defeated Cory from God first gang and the entire Biblical smoke panel have been doctrinally ripped apart by me to the point that when they see me they panic because none of their games that they use on others can never work on me. I am the one person who they know not to ever test. I got them boys trained as if they were my pet dog. And even still I keep my challenge open to any one of them who dare to step up. They all bow down to Golden Swordz because I am their master and they know it. They know I am the smartest and toughest black hebrew debunker on this app and because of this I own all of them. I have their hearts and none of them have ever debunked me and never will. In fact, I have defeated them so much I am actually bored of doing it πŸ₯± but besides that I'm a very cool man once you get to know me. I just can't stand liars like black hebrews who would dare twist God's words into that of a satanic demonic cult that they try to make the bible into. God's love is for all mankind not just for the black man or white man or any other race of man but for all man. And last but not least none of these black hebrews are real jews they are all living in a fantasy world and nothing they say is backed up by the bible.