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Gogo Dineo Ndlanzi




Sangoma, African Spiritual healer & Teacher, Relationship coach, Actor, facilitator Gogo Dineo Ndlanzi is a pre-eminent and pioneering sangoma, who has successfully merged the sacredness of African Spirituality with modern thinking. She is a celebrated spiritual teacher, life coach, African storyteller, actress, writer, dancer and trained facilitator. Teaching is at the heart of what Gogo Dineo does. As a trained sangoma, Gogo Dineo has been instrumental in changing perceptions around the practise of “ubungoma” which is a type of African Spiritual Healing. This has made her a household name in South Africa and with Africans in the diaspora over the last decade as she continues to shift mindsets by encouraging people to access African spiritual healing modalities and indigenous knowledge systems. Gogo Dineo has successfully used mainstream and social media to de-stigmatise the practises of African Spirituality using her outspoken personality and educational nuances. Gogo Dineo cemented her position as a foremost speaker in the global market as she graced the TEDxCAPETOWN stage in 2019 where she eloquently discussed the 4 key lessons she learnt as a spiritual healer. As an international teacher, Gogo Dineo set the stage alight as a keynote speaker in Lüneburg, Germany at Leuphana University in 2019 at their conference on Leverage Points and Sustainability. She focused on how the healthcare system can leverage from African indigenous healing practises to overcome systemic failures. This talk was well received as she was able to translate nuanced, local knowledge by giving it global relevance. ✔️October 2021, speaker at Black History Month talk foe ERG (Employee Resource Group) for Google Dublin about