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Lisa Hannigan




ENGAGEMENT & AUTHENTIC CONNECTION πŸ’« are my SUPERPOWERS πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ!! My mission is to EMPOWER πŸ’ͺ people to share their message, to have their voices heard across as many stages as possible so their SPARK πŸ”₯ can SHINE bright & LIGHT UP the world 🌎. I help speakers deliver high-impact, engaging presentations & make quality connections every time they speak, both on & off the camera. My passion is working with people to truly identify the light inside them to have the confidence to show up and share their voice & message with the world. ------‐‐--------------------------------‐‐-------- πŸ“šPick up a copy of my latest book, international best-seller... VOICES OF THE 21ST CENTURY: Conscious Caring Women Who Make a Difference 50 inspirational stories from women around the globe who came together to make an impact 🌎 🌟❀ (Click link in IG bio for more details) ------‐‐----------------------------------‐‐- πŸ‘©β€πŸ’Ό Founder of Glimmer Learning LLC πŸ–₯ TV Show Host of Engage & Shine! on WIN WIN Women 🎯 Voice, Confidence & Authenticity Coach for Video & Online Speakers ⭐️ Virtual Engagement Specialist πŸ’‘ Visual Strategist πŸ’» Virtual Leader 🎀 Speaker πŸ“– International Best-Selling Author πŸ™‚ Lifetime Learner "I believe that we all have a spark that's ready to be lit!" That's why I created the "Engage & Shine!" show. It's is all about finding your inner spark πŸ’₯. Join me on Saturdays @11am EST on WIN WIN Women TV ( Replays on Roku, Amazon Fire & Apple TV. I love speaking about: 🎀 Speaking & presentation skills πŸ’ͺ Virtual presence πŸ’» Virtual events πŸŽ₯ Video, camera & tech things πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈcMindset πŸ’― Confidence πŸ—£ All things communication πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ Fitness & self-care 🍺 Craft beer & breweries πŸ’« Anything that inspires, uplifts & motivates 🌟 Fun & beautiful things in the world