Genevieve Leveille
Principal Founder and CEO of AgriLedger ( Led AgriLedger’s collaboration with Haiti’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry to deliver a Distributed Ledger Technology pilot sponsored by the World Bank. The project went live in May 2020 allowing Haitian fruit farmers, customers and families to reap the benefits of fairer prices and improved food security. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Recognized by the Financial Times to the top 100 BAME in UK technology in 2019 🎉🎉🎉 Winner of the ComputerWeekly 2020 Women in Software Top five finalist for Quesnay’s Female Founders in FinTech 2019 Vice-chair of techUK’s Distributed Ledger Technologies Working Group, which provides strategic direction for all UK activities related to DLT. Inaugural member of the Advisory Group for the Estonian Government’s eResidency initiative. 🎤🎤🎤 Speaker on emerging technologies at numerous high-profile conferences around the world. Achievements: Went live with the Haiti Mango Producers in May 2020 in the height of the pandemic and supported remotely the roll out of services to 65 producers in Gros Morne Haiti. There were six successful missions from Haiti to the United States with 23,000 Kg of Mangos delivered to the market. The producers income increased by 750% from current market and resulted in a difference of 68% of the $40,000 in sales being returned to the producers. Coordinated the delivery of 20 scholarships from Consensys Academy to two cohorts of young women in Haiti and South Africa for an online Bootcamp for Blockchain Development. In 2020, presented on over 25 global platforms and shared the stage with individuals such as Ed Snowden, Al Gore, Indra Nooyi, Deepak Chopra, Tim Berners-Lee, Vint Cerf, Don Tapscott. AgriLedger delivered with the Minostry of Commerce and Industry of the Government of Haiti 🇭🇹 a Distributed Ledger Technology (Blockchain) solution for the Fresh Fruit Value Chain 🥭🥑🍍with the support of the World Bank.