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Gladys Stanley




FOUNDER: RESCUE FOR CHRIST FOUNDATION. Introduction Rescue for Christ Foundation was registered on 4/5/2022 in the United States of American (USA) with registration number 203346527 and also registered with the Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development. The founder and President of RFCF is Madam Gladys Suale-Stanley based in Delaware, in the United States of America. RFCF is an independent non-governmental social development organization that focuses on Christian values and installs those values into vulnerable women and youths in Sierra Leone. RFCF is committed to helping women and youths that were gravely affected by the 11 years of senseless war. Vision Statement: (What we want for the women, youth, vulnerable groups, and communities) Transformation of lives through the teachings of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Mission Statement: (What we do as an organization) To remove youths from the streets, win them for Christ, teach them the word of God, and empower them to become self-reliant. For Donations: Wells Fargo; Account #2075719647 Venmo: 917-365-9436 Cashapp: $Rfcfusa or 302-286-8846 Zelle: 917-365-9436 PayPal me.@glado76 Website is being working on and will be uploaded as soon as it’s done. Thanks for helping the needy.