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Ginge Cox




(Gin-Gee) she/her BA In interdisciplinary computer science and music from UCSD MA in Film from USC Expert sound specialist. Mixed the number one comedy special on Netflix this year, Kevin Hart’s Zero Fucks Given. Apple trailer mixer Currently Mixing Papa Roach and Tommy Lee’s most recent film. Started Tastemade’s Sound Department Worked for Paramount Technicolor, currently at Southlake Audio Passionate about Burning man Hiker and surfer Blockchain engineer Ens domain holder Ethdenver Chainlink hackathon Solidity Runner up for Colorado game jam. ———————————————— Metaphysical student and teacher. Certified hypnotist Angel card reader Sound bath provider Reiki master ————————————————- Lived on a cruise ship, van, sailboat, garage and traveled to over 75 countries. My goal is to always be curious about people.