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Gheed (غيد) Nassan




27 🇵🇸 لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله Israel is an illegal genocidal apartheid state FOLLOW THESE ACCOUNTS TO LEARN ABOUT PALESTINE ON IG: muna.kurd15 mohammedelkurd (English content) ramzi.ans we_are_not_numbers (English content) salehzighari tamer_nafar tarekbakri alahamdan (English and Arabic content) marwa_waz abdalafo ahmedhijazee munahawwa adnan_barq (English and Arabic content) abubakerofficial (English and Arabic content) joegaza93 Accounts about Palestine to follow that put out English content : landpalestine qudsnen ampalestine eye.on.palestine theimeu adalahjusticeproject ajplus middleeasteye letstalkpalestine hiddenpalestine cravingpalestine watanpalestine subhi.taha zirrar hanood.7sn karterzaher mayahussein thecaucasianarab lowkeyonline gazangirl