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CoachPaul Litwack




🏆 Publicly voted Best (2019-24): @GetUNstuckNOW = ‘Best Business/Career Training’ @NixNegativityNOW = ‘Best Virtual Instruction/Training’ ↙️ 👉 How soon will I empower you/your team now? 👉 = main link for relevant + free stuff, including my weekly podcast join us Thurs 5PM ET live+replay: 1st club link below). To get stuck = normal, To STAY stuck = choice! ⚡️@GetUNstuckNOW Getting UNstuck is 100% relevant for you, as a leader (in your organization, community, family)... and most importantly... as the CEO of the most important project you will ever work on = yourself! My proven @GetUNstuckNOW Breakthrough Coaching System is harnessed from 4+ decades of leadership experience (back room to boardroom on 4 continents). Ready for a change? Proud moderator/contributor in significant CH rooms including(sample): Our Mindset, Sustainability Leadership, Breakfast With Champions Rich Woman Magazine 🙏 I welcome Co-mods, relevant interview guests, your topic ideas… and do connect me now to speak on other podcasts and company meetings? - - Need empowerment right now? To harness free @GetUNstuckNOW Breakthrough coaching system tools, DM me (any combo): ‘GetUNstuck!’ or ‘PainGone!’ or ‘NixNegativity’ ‘Habit Change’ Or visit: - - 🙏 Thank you for referring: - 1. Leaders who are ready to consistently create more compelling life + biz results for themselves, their groups/communities ... and the world! 2. Who do you know asks: ‘Why does this KEEP happening to me!’ You know, when you just made a poor decision, distracted by negative energy? And frustrated how to fix that hole in the wall, or salvage that client/family/friend relationship? Who’s ready for a change now? DM me 🙏 > free replay of Annual Brainathon by John Assaraf (from The Secret) 🎤 Replay: the Rich Woman Leadership 2.0 24-hour Self Development Summit Sept 6, 2022. I was keynote (starts 1:26:00) 🦉Now available (beta): call me live 1on1 on the OWWLL app (Google and Apple) and use code UNSTUCK for your $10 credit 👍 — 🇨🇦 Toronto ———- 😇 my following a Clubhouse/person/activity = my interest ONLY (not approval) 🙏 ———